Mojim Lyrics
Mojim Lyrics > Japanese & Korean singers > 芦田愛菜( 蘆田愛菜 )
Mana Ashida【 16 songs in total 】
Mana Ashida (芦田 愛菜 Ashida Mana, born 23 June 2004) is a Japanese child actress, tarento and singer. Ashida's first appearance was in Asahi Broadcasting Corporation's ABC Short Movie 2, though she rose to prominence after acting in the television drama Mother. She became the youngest lead star in Japanese drama history when she starred in Sayonara Bokutachi no Youchien. She was the youngest lead actress in a television serial drama by appearing in the serial drama Marumo no Okite in the spring of 2011. She also appeared in Japanese films such as Confessions and Usagi Drop.

Ashida and her co-actor Fuku Suzuki sang the 2011 hit song 'Maru Maru Mori Mori', the theme song for the television drama Marumo no Okite.
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  Song Lyricist Composer Date
1 Best Friend 玉城千春 玉城千春 2011-11
2 ゆうき 中川李枝子 村松崇継 2014-08
3 雨に願いを 松任谷由実 松任谷由実 2012-08
4 ふぁいと!! 下地悠・コモリタミノル コモリタミノル 2014-08
5 夏がやって来た! 浅利進吾 浅利進吾 2012-08
6 なないろピクニック 浅利進吾 浅利進吾 2012-05
7 ずっとずっとトモダチ 渡辺なつみ・浅利進吾 浅利進吾 2012-05
8 やさしさに包まれたなら 荒井由実 荒井由実 2011-11
9 ピカピカウサギのマーチ かの香織 かの香織 2011-11
10 ピカピカウサギのマ一チ かの香織 かの香織 2011-10
11 ハッピーラッキー☆ゴー! 浅利進吾・渡辺なつみ 浅利進吾 2012-05
12 マル・マル・モリ・モリ! 宮下浩司 宮下浩司 2011-11
13 みんなのハッピーバースデイ 竹内まりや 竹内まりや 2011-11
14 愛菜のラブリーロックンロール 岸谷香 岸谷香 2011-11
15 ステキな日曜日~Gyu Gyu グッデイ!~ 浅利進吾・渡辺なつみ 浅利進吾 2011-11
16 ステキな日曜日~Gyu Gyu グッデイ!~ 淺利進吾/渡邊なつみ 淺利進吾 2011-10